What's a boy to do on a lazy weekend afternoon when he's got nothing going on?
Sit around home in sweats while eating brownies and watching reruns of The Golden Girls?
Okay, so maybe that's an option...but probably not the best one. I mean changes are that a) I'd end-up scarfing down the entire pan, b) after scarfing down the pan I would feel like the three evenings I spent at the gym last week were a complete waste and c) I've spent far too much time lately watching reruns of The Golden Girls...
So instead, I figured that I'd find something fun to do....something to keep me away from the pan of brownies, something that required me to put normal clothes on and also something that would distract me from the week that was...and from the week that will probably be -
After considering my limited, last minute options, I settled on hitting up one of the nifty (and my favourite) indoor flea markets in the city. Heading out, I really didn't have intent to buy or search for anything...I think if anything the point of the adventures was to just wander, have some fun and see what treasures uncovered themselves.
While I didn't come home with anything, lots of randomness was uncovered, I saw some wicked pieces that gave me some ideas of what I'd like to collect / hunt for down the road and best of all - I was able to completely distract myself and forget about the world for a couple of hours.
Here's a sneak peak of some of the fun that I uncovered -
How cool is this little guy? The vendor wasn't willing to haggle on the price though...however, if I wander through in a couple weeks and he's still there I might see if he wants to play ball...I wanna bring the 'Cool Master' home with me.
I haven't seen this many Nintendo & Super-Nintendo games since I was like 8 or 9...the scary thing is that I remembered a lot of the titles.
Remind me to dig through my storage room....I swear that there's a tote that's got a couple of cool bottles in it. This guy was waaaaaaaaaay overpriced on most of his stock, but had some cool pieces that I haven't seen in ages.
More tins than I could shake a stick at!
I almost brought home a couple more pieces of brown & white transfer ware, but realized that I already had pieces that I was looking at....that and I think that that collection is large enough (unless I find a really cool piece...)
Aren't these syrup dispensers cool? I wanted all of them...but resisted. That and I stayed away from the old spice tins...a guy can end-up with too many collections....
"Let's dicker to sell quicker." Luvs it.
Odd looking Asian inspired ceramic pieces? I'm never sure how I'm supposed to feel when I see these pieces....anyone get what I mean? Yah?
The snowshoes on the left were in beautiful shape and would have looked amazing above my fireplace if I was going for a 'rustic lodge meets swinging young bachelor' look....but alas, they were $250.00....ouch.
I almost bought this snazzy book. Perfect gag gift or amusing dinner party conversation starter?! I think so!
Perhaps the next time I end-up in a somewhat serious situation I'll have to invest in this guide...I'm very curious to see what ideas and suggestions 60s conservatives have to say to me (not really)....that said, while the content might not be to my liking, I did like the drawings...
Isn't this guy the cutest?! The bowling pin that is, not Elvis or the creepy thing in the corner...
According to Wikipedia, Reveen was this weird Canadian sensation who traveled across the country working as a magician and hypnotist...magically transforming audiences....I say all of his transforming powers came from the stache, sexy head of hair and magical beard.
I want these old caulk boxes. I've been thinking about them non-stop since coming home. There had to have been 20 or 30 of them. No idea what I'd do with them, but I love them....the graphics are pretty cool, plus I'm sure that I could use them to store something.
So many small treasures!
Tea for two, or perhaps tea for 60? There has to be some sorta art project a guy could do here....something rather clever and not so 'grandma-ish...' looking...hmm...
So while I resisted the urge to come home with 60 tea cups and matching saucers, a plastic robot, the Reveen record and the good Christian husband's guide....I did come away with renewed love in wanting to hit-up this particular flea market more often...if anything just for a laugh and an adventure! That and it kept me from tearing into the pan of brownies (which I've since shoved in the freezer....).
From everything I've shown yah....which pieces stand out the most to you?!? I'm curious to know!